Framework of

A Video Game Review

One of the biggest challenges of reviewing a video game is providing a fair critique. Reviewing an art form that is built off various creative mediums can be challenging. As a creative individual, being able to make one masterpiece is a daunting task. To make a masterpiece filled with different mediums and have them harmoniously sing until the end of an experience is an otherworldly demand. Developers are noble in their pursuit to bring us those otherworldly experiences, and it’s important to recognize that as we form opinions.

What is the gaming experience? From my current point of view, gaming is the art form that looks to take our three of our powerful senses: visual, tactile and auditory and forms a reality around them. Then our oldest and most powerful tool comes in to connect these senses with the what, when, where, and how of it all.

Defining the Principles

That tool being story. Story engages our auditory experience with promises of a thousand faces being taking on the hero’s journey. As we grew to be more than just a vibrating hum within our universe, we put the words, the incantations, onto stone. We altered the physical reality to form the representation of our beloved stories, creating the visual representation. Generations practiced bearing their souls onto solidified elements for others to see what truly lies within. It was not until video games where the art powered by primordial forces of energy fought back from its creator’s perspective, creating the tactile feedback that we deem gameplay loops.

Scored Video Games

Written & Produced by Sage Sythe

There are Four Major Principles

Each of these principles can have a maximum point value of 25. To determine that value, each principle will contain five aspects that will receive a number value of 1 to 5. Adding up those values will determine the score of a full category.

The Implementation


Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Review